After a vicious conflict between dogs and cats in Sinaloa, Mexico, the Canine Cartel was formed. Canine Cartel NFTs are a new breed of ERC-721 tokens vying for dominance on the Blockchain.

A ferocious conflict between cats and dogs in Sinaloa, Mexico gave birth to the Canine Cartel. The cats were notorious for having a firm grip on everything. A hound wouldn’t be able to sell a joint to a rat without getting clawed and sliced by a psychotic feline. Everything changed when El Doge, a ruthless motherfucker, appeared. The band of mutts required El Doge as their commander to reclaim control of the streets. He rallied the Dobermans, Huskies, Pitbulls, and the rest of the pack one by one.
Currently, the cartel has 10,000 distinct canines ready to live and die for it. The Cartel provides a unique service where your canine may attend the official tattoo parlour to prove your allegiance, which is not your typical 10,000 degen endeavor. The NFT will be burned, and you will be given a new Canine with a Cartel tattoo.
Canine Cartel offers a limited NFT collection where each token doubles as your membership to the Cartel.
Having a Canine makes you a cartel member. They are, however, a ride-or-die bunch. It’s easy to get in, but getting out isn’t healthy for your health. You’ve come to the wrong spot, loco cabrĂ³n, if you’re looking for a normal NFT collection project.