Cardano is a blockchain platform that allows developers to conduct transactions and expand their investments. It supplies investors with the most up-to-date technology and solutions. Cardano City is a cryptocurrency project based on the Cardano blockchain that offers NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) in the form of randomized digital artworks. These NFTs will be traded in ADA, Cardano’s native coin. The squad will sell NFTs in Cardano City in fifty rounds. Mikka, a Cardano City resident, is the protagonist of this narrative. Her adventure began in our minds, and we introduced her to you through art; now let’s see how that art evolves.

The NFTs are algorithmically randomized pictures created according to our stringent set of rarity requirements, employing 105 variables with various rarities. Each unit may hold up to 49 things, most of which are Cardano-related.
5 original posters depicting images from the CardanoCity. Each of the five posters is limited to 50 copies, each with its own unique number. Within the drop, there are a total of 250 posters to be obtained. One additional, one-of-a-kind sixth poster, limited to only five copies, which can only be obtained by completing the challenge.